We are getting ready for our long drive to Michigan this week- can't wait to see Hillebrands and Swansons and more! Although I will be honest and say I'm nervous about the drive- the doctor told me to stop every hour and a half, and if you've ever been a road trip with me you'll know that is the opposite of how I like to travel-- I'm more of a destination than a journey kind of girl! However, that's not been the case for this pregnancy, so maybe that's changed. As I'm nearing month 8, I don't mind if the journey slows down a bit!
Aaron just had his third Open Studio at SVA (School of Visual Arts). He did a great job setting up his studio and hiding some of his hundreds of pieces to highlight a few favorites from this fall. He's been making art like ants storing up food for winter lately- trying to get as much
If we are seeing you next weekend or the following week we CAN'T wait! If we don't get to see you at the Michigan Christmukkah/ shower/new year's celebrations than we wish you very happy holidays!
See more of Aaron's art at www.aaronhillebrandart.com