In honor of Zoe's 4 week birthday-- a blog update for you!
Watching a brand new person all day every day is quite a new experience. I get to track the littlest changes in her development, the tiny little things that will eventually lead to a walking and talking child. But not yet! So far, Zoe can do exciting, life changing things, like lift her own head up off of your shoulder (she especially likes to do this when you are burping her, so that she is away from the spit cloth and over your neck), and kick her feet like crazy (which Aaron uses to help her kick on her socks or pant legs). And we are learning more about her likes and dislikes:
Zoe likes:
-Staring at the light from a window
-Watching the light up toy on her play mat (she watches this like it is TV, I'm worried she'll develop an addiction)
-Looking at our black and white pillow, or the bars on her crib
-When you hold her feet (seriously, the tighter the better, it can calm her down when she's crying)
-Pressure and rocking- being held tightly, the bouncy chair, etc.
-Walking outside in the Ergo or the stroller
Zoe dislikes:
-Getting the hiccups (which she gets all the time)
-Waking up with a dirty diaper (so she screams)
-Waking up hungry (so she screams)
-Being too tired (but that doesn't mean she'll always fall asleep. Tricky!)
-The cold weather (wait, that's actually Mom. Zoe hasn't complained.)
Biggest surprise so far:
Babies make a LOT of weird noises. At least, I hope they do-- if not, we have one weird baby! Zoe has two noises in particular that she likes to make:
1. The squeaky door
2. The snorty pig
She is very good at both of these!
Biggest disappointment about having a baby:
I can no longer call my urge to eat baked goods a pregnancy craving.