Trying to Crawl |
Zoe is 6 months old, and the days of leaving her on the couch cushion are officially over! I have a feeling she'll be moving around with intention soon-- for now, she does a combination of rolling and scooting on her back to get herself off of the play mat or wedged into the corner of her crib. Sometimes she rolls a little further than expected!
Aaron takes Zoe around pretty often in the stroller, decked out as you see below. Apparently she gets noticed on the street on a regular basis. Her sock toys are a hit with the neighbors.
Fun Socks! |
As for sitting up, she can do it with some help, but since her above all favorite toy is still her foot she generally reaches for them and topples immediately after sitting. I try to explain to her that people don't shove their feet in their mouth but she thinks I am mistaken.
Pre-topple |
I have been working a whole lot lately, so my time with Zoe has been limited. However, I've learned that Zoe is easy as can be to travel around with right now, and I have a feeling that won't be the case for long. So, I snap her in the ergo and off we go-- to the laundromat or the farmers' market, the park or the garden, whenever I can. She can eat, sleep and snuggle in there, so it is my favorite way to get around.
Sleeping Soundly |
And for those of you that worry about Zoe being too much of a city girl, rest assured that she spends more time in the grass than I would assume most babies do! She may have grass stains soon, as she gets more mobile, but her outdoor time is frequent!
Laying on Daddy |
Super-Zoe |