Here are a few little life lessons that Zoe doesn't quite understand yet-- I trust she will understand them later, but it will be a bit too late.
1. You don't want to eat my shoe. Seriously, it has New York City all over it. Matter of fact, I probably shouldn't even bring them in my house, but you really don't want it in your mouth.
2. Hurling your body head first off the couch or the bed is NOT the best way to show that you are ready to play on the floor. Since so far your dad and I have caught you each time you've done this, I'm not sure the best way to teach you this lesson. But I promise there are better ways.
3. Even though we pretend otherwise, you are not really in a contest with us and you do not win anything if you drop or break our dishes. The points we've said we give you are not real and we aren't tracking them. So, really, you don't need to try so hard to get to every dish we set out. (Although when you somehow grabbed my coffee cup and spilled the coffee without dropping the cup or getting coffee on either of us, you really did earn a triple score!).
4. Putting everything in your mouth is not a good idea. See number one, but also include electrical devices, mail, the playset at the playground, and most things you can reach in the bathroom.
5. People don't walk around with their tongue hanging out. It really does look weird.
6. There are actually things in the world that are funnier than peek-a-boo. I kid you not! (Although, to be perfectly honest, I can't quite think of any since you came around. Peek-a-boo is a lot funnier than I realized...)
I think she is slowing learning #6: "throwing balls in the air is crazy hilarious" - Zoe