Babyville: Population 3
a little update from our adventures after the baby bump...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Months!

I've become one of those people who says things like, "Can you believe my baby is two months old?!?"
Your answer might be, yes- it has been two months since she was born, so I totally believe it! But while two months doesn't exactly mean we have to start researching public schools in Brooklyn (although, honestly, two years might!), I can really say these past eight weeks have flown. Things have gone from "figuring it out" to settling into a rhythm, and I am really enjoying this time watching Zoe grow and develop each day.
Big excitement in the Swanson/Hillebrand household these days? Well, Zoe has dimples! We know this because she smiles-- quite a lot (although it is hard to catch it on film!). Her smiles are up to her- sometimes you do the exact same thing that got a smile the day before and she stares past you at the much more interesting light fixture behind your head.She is starting to grab, although not with what you could quite call intention, and she successfully gets her fist (whole thing, who can bother with a little thumb) into her mouth now. She went through a period of punching herself in the face while trying this trick, but has made it pretty much past that stage! She HATES being on her tummy, and her mother hates making her do this, as it is pretty much guaranteed to put an end to any fun times we were having.

And, she's proven that nothing stays consistent-- pretty much anything that I say using the word "never" or "always" ends that day. (Such as- Zoe always falls asleep in the carrier or she never wakes up before midnight!) She's done some solid seven....almost eight...hour stretches of sleep, but isn't ready yet to make that a permanent habit.

Aaron and I are enjoying her every day, trying new strategies when she's cranky, and finding new high pitch voices (I swore I wouldn't use) to make her smile! Hard to resist!


  1. Big love from Motown to Zotown. xxo

  2. so cute, can't believe how much bigger she looks since two weeks ago!

  3. I lost it at the mention of dimples. She is beautiful.

  4. Thanks, guys! Love from C,A and Z!
