Babyville: Population 3
a little update from our adventures after the baby bump...

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm having a moment of slight understanding for those New Yorkers and their dogs.... you know, the ones that shop at those posh stores that you think are baby stores until you notice the doggy biscuits and the odd shape of the "onesies"?  The ones that carry their dogs in baskets and even baby bjorns?
Because, the rest of the world smiles at dogs and babies!!

I'm very used to walking around wearing her instead of a bag (and the Ergo can even hold my things!)  I've gone out a couple of times lately without Z-- something that I usually do so much of for work that I avoid otherwise.  I usually trek her around with me for my weekend outings.  But there have been a couple of recent occasions where I've been social without her....and I've noticed, without this little moving and giggling accessory strapped to me, the world is just not quite as friendly of a place.
I'd gotten a bit used to the smiles of shopkeepers and the waves of passerby's, the goofy faces of the person sitting across from us on the subway, the overheard "aw, she's so cute" sounds that the world apparently just makes when there is a baby!  Not everyone, it is true, but most people that you meet at random simply love a baby.

And it seems that even on a good hair day, with cute new boots and a great pair of jeans, I'm simply not as much to smile at without her.

Can you imagine what it would be like to simply walk down the street and live your life interacting as if everyone you met had a puppy or a baby with them?  Give it a try for a day and let me know!


  1. Once I had a student whose father was like that with everyone. She always complained that they never got anywhere because he stopped to talk to everyone, making a trip to the store take hours!

  2. That's funny- I hadn't thought about the annoyance it might cause when you had to get stuff done (I never have too much I have to "get done" when I'm out and about with Zoe!)
